Let's Talk!

Each journey is different and we will discover your unique journey together! If it is helpful as a starting point, here are a few sample topics that clients bring to me during our initial and follow up consultations:

  • Connect with a loved one who is ill or a loved one who has passed - we can channel your loved one's higher self and learn if your loved one has any messages for you.

  • Discuss important changes coming up in your professional or private life and learn if there are any messages from your higher self to help guide you.

  • Discuss your struggles or your loved ones' struggles and learn how you might support yourself and your loved ones.

  • Discuss a new hire at home or at work. We can channel their higher self to learn how their journey might fit with yours.

  • Connect with past lives and how they inform your human self.

  • Discuss physical or emotional pain and channel your higher self to learn if there are any messages that might ease or explain that pain.

The possibilities are endless! Your questions will come to you and we will start our journey together!

What clients say